2022 federal election candidates
Jason Falinski MP (LIB)
Member for Mackellar
Christopher Ball (UAP)
Darren Dickson (PHON)
Dr Sophie Scamps (IND)
The above information is provided to enable constituents in the Federal seat of Mackellar to find information on all political parties and/or candidates who have indicated their intention to stand at the upcoming Federal election being held on Saturday 21 May.
As a strictly non-partisan and not for profit organisation, Voices of Mackellar does not endorse any candidate in any election. However one of our aims is to ‘promote and expand active community participation in the processes of Democracy’.
Voting is the most fundamental act of participation in democracy giving every citizen the opportunity to select the candidate or candidates that they feel will best represent their values and the issues they are most concerned about.
The list and contact details of all political parties registered in Australia can be found here https://www.aec.gov.au/Parties_and_Representatives/party_registration/Registered_parties/
The 2019 Federal election results in Mackellar can be found here
We will endeavour endeavor to keep this information on this page updated regularly. This will be assisted by any information that can be provided to info@voicesofmackellar.org.au